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Prospects for cooperation

Index- Prospects for cooperation

       Customers maximize the value of the pursuit of a modern commercial bank operating in the core of thinking, but also to building a modern banking system of our starting point and end point. Customer is not only a source of bank profits, it is a modern commercial bank line of this legislation. Commercial banks to provide customers with first-class financial services, is the practice of customer-centric business philosophy of the specific acts of service capacity and service quality is to determine the importance of banks operating performance indicator, quality of service has increasingly become the core bank of an important aspect of competitiveness. Customer service staff satisfaction as an important indicator of performance appraisal has been a growing recognition of the modern enterprise.

       Ka-shun science and technology as a financial machinery and systems supplier and provider of technology solutions, the evaluation set, the password of equipment, credit card equipment, research and development, production and sales of specialized companies, has launched a series of independent intellectual property rights-based products, widely used in banks, postal services, securities and other fields.

       Ka-shun science and technology has always attached great importance to the construction of channels, agents and channels to establish a close working relationship, the company for agents to provide professional technical support, product resources and marketing services. Channels, through local agents of the complementary strengths and resources to quickly develop the market.
"Mutually beneficial win-win cooperation" is the development of Hangzhou Shun Jia purpose channel.